Sunday, June 8, 2008

Content Architecture

I was talking to my friend who's a web designer on revamping my finance website - Besides improving on my layout, she shared with me on what else I should do.

Step 1: Content Architecture
This means re-organizing my information and links. As I'm using the older wordpress version, migration might be a problem if the information is not organized properly.

Step 2: Information Architecture
I currently have about 20 categories in my finance website which is too many. I need to reduce that further. In addition, I will have to re-label my categories into something more 'user-friendly'.

Step 3: creating wireframes
This will also set a structure for my friend to start on my blog's design. Most importantly, it sets the content and the way that it is presented and how my displayed content can retain my readers and authors.

Last Step
Designing my blog according to step 2 & 3.

While I'm always constantly searching for good content/authors and link exchange, I will have to firm up my internal stuff first. Building a solid and reputable web presence is important to attract and retain both readers and authors.


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