Sunday, September 23, 2007

Google AdSense - Creating Custom Channels

When I first started with AdSense, my plan was simple. I will put the maximum number of ads allowed base on the "heat map". However, I'm beginning to wonder which of my ads are my main money makers and which ads are making the least if not nothing at all. Another reason is the introduction of referrals - I would like to know where is the best placement for them.

Channels ain't new but many like myself usually do not use them. The main reason I feel is that we are too focus in driving traffic to our sites - more traffic means more clicks on our ads. However, this may not necessary be true. I have come across sites with low traffic count with equally impressive ad earnings.

Creating Custom Channels

The following is extracted from Google AdSense Help but I customize it to my own requirements. You can refer to the original post here.

Scenario: I have a site on personal finance. My homepage currently has three ad units and two link units, and I want to find out which of the units is performing most effectively. To do so, I'll create a separate custom channel for each of the five units to monitor their performance.

Creating and implementing custom channels requires a more involved process than that for URL channels. No worries - we'll show you how to create custom channels in 4 easy steps:

  1. Start off by logging in to your account and clicking the AdSense Setup tab, followed by the Channels link. For this scenario, we'll be looking at AdSense for content custom channels, so make sure you're on the right product and channel subtab. Then click the Add new custom channel.

  2. The next step is naming your channels.

    It's important to be precise and consistent when naming custom channels. The more information you provide in the name about where and how the ad unit is being used, the easier it will be to identify later, when you're generating your channels reports. (*Note that you are allowed only 30 characters for the naming convention).

    For the example used here, I used names like:

    • MyPF_Left_160x600_#eeeecc
    • MyPF_MiddleTop_480x60_#eeeecc
    • MyPF_Middle_300x250_#eeeecc
    • MyPF_Top_728x15_#335577
    • MyPF_Right_200x90_#558866

  3. You'll notice that all of these names follow the pattern Blog Name+Location+Ad Format+Color Palette. This is a pattern I've found useful, but feel free to use whichever method works best for you. You will also notice a "Show this channel to advertisers as an ad placement " - I will skip this for now until I have read up more about it.

    Enter the channel names into the new channel box and click Add channels.

  4. Now you can create your channel-specific ad code. Once your names are in place, click the AdSense Setup tab, then choose AdSense for content as the product.

    Continue to choose the ad type, ad format, and color palette as you would normally, then in the Channels section, select the name of the channel(s) you'd like to add by clicking the Add>> link (you can add up to 5),

    and click Continue to see your choices reflected in the ad layout code.

  5. Finally, you'll copy-and-paste the code into your webpages. The channel identifier within your code will immediately begin tracking performance. If you already have ad code on these pages, you should replace it with the new channel-specific code.

    Repeat the process for each of the ad units you'd like to track.

I will give myself 1 week to collect the relevant data and will do a post on generating channel reports.


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