Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Header - Adding a "Add a Page Element" widget

Headers are the first places where readers will see when they first come into your blog. Adding a graphic, banner and/or advertisements is a sure way to get your desired results.

I have implemented Google AdSense into Vitamin & Health blog.

This is how you can add a graphic to your header. Sign into Dashboard. For the blog you want to modify, click LAYOUT, then click EDIT HTML. Then look for this block of codes in the template:

<div id='header-wrapper'>

<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>

<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Replacing Blog Header (Header)' type='Header'/>



Change maxwidgets='1' to maxwidgets='4'(or any other number greater than 1, or even leave a number out, then there is no maximum) and change showaddelement='no' to showaddelement='yes'. (you may also leave out the figure in maxwidgets='' in which case the number of widgets you can add to the header is unlimited). So the section should now be

<div id='header-wrapper'>

<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='4' showaddelement='yes'>

<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Replacing Blog Header (Header)' type='Header'/>



Click SAVE TEMPLATE. Then click PAGE ELEMENT tab to go back to LAYOUT. You will see an extra "Add a Page Element" above the Header.


1 Comment:

  1. Mdm Zee said...
    I'm using the zeke 1.0 + widget theme. I'm wondering if it's possible to place my photobucket widget into the header.

    Also, in Vitamin and Health, how did you get the Google Adsense Search to have both the "Web" category and "Vitamin and Health" category.

    Hope you can help me. Thanks!

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